May 15, 2008

15 may

I M back blogging , today is justin birthday , haha , but i cant attend at gfk! , HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRO! so erm , lets see what to talk about today . erm same? woke up late , felt aslp in bus , quite a boring day for me , but what i m happy about today is that for dp & a , there finally something for me that i find easy! ahahah , sorry mrs ong , will try to be softer! haha , wow , coming to break time , OMG guess what , i SAW 2 delicacy , THey use to eat at cafe 1 , but since its full house , they went cafe 2 , omg the moment they saw me , YANGYANG , YANGYANG!! for a moment , is like super star! lol , when i see both prata and ba gua , OMg no face man!hhaha , maybe my name funny ar! , then when ryan , nick , john , zhiming and i were playing poker , they came , THATS when my luck start to fall man! , maybe is that prata , keep hitting my shoulder! , -.- , for me i ended up with 105 pumping! , haha , but manage to clear today! so guys! good luck for tmr! haha . tired man .
continuing blogging if i feel like! haha =x


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