May 29, 2008

29 may

WOOT com finally ok ler! haha blog manX! , haha life is still the same for me , wandering around , looking for the purpose why m i here . hmms , quite boring man , i got more stress on dp&a , and tmr i m having a test on c&n , omg , chapter 1 to 8 leh .. ha will try my best . i am damn scared man . my gpa , gosh! . yesterday was quite nice when my classmate and i went over to terminal 3 and study , we ate popeye and study . SORRY GUYS , i made u all so HUNGURY! haha . alrite man , kambeng wedding is coming up , WISH U ALL THE BEST MAN~! haha , balls shrink aeh . haha . alrite , forgot what to said ler , so yup .....


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