June 4, 2008

4th june

oH Gosh , why do i nowadays have this kinda feeling not wanting to go school man ?? oh shit , and i m super worried about my gpa . nothing seriously to blog about man , except for the last , where i went jamming with HOLAS , GEORGE , JOANUS , FRE.... and lastly mamun , opps don know how to spell man haha , when there to disturb and give my comment from my bottom of my heart , but i think seriously they need to change songs , cos the voice is not match . haha opps , i am speaking LIKE a PROFESSIonAL JUDge , haha . before we went home , we went to have Minced pork noodle at cafe 1 , hmms , no comment but so so . yup then headed over to bedok to take bus 854 with george . And thats today for me ! o FORGOT , abit upset when i saw my c&n result , as i predicted , i will get 67 , and yup , it was better by .5 i m a foutunate TELLER MAN! haha


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