June 8, 2008

7th june

oh man , pon sch today , yet overslept for work at gfk factory . hmms , kinda humid over there . must admit , ITS DAMN FAR MAN! , but the food is kinda cheap yet nice, oh man , seriously shag! , after 14 kite is being made , kinda sick of it . around 5++ botak , thomas and i went over to the machperson to get his scooter change due to faulty battery they give . haha . then i fall aslp at thomas's car even they reached gfk , i was sound aslp . when we reached the shop oH YEA , micheal brought some damn cool stuffs back from china , damn cooL! haha then at night , we stay at gfk till 2 then headed home with my eyes close~ nitex myself


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