January 11, 2009


HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOUIS LIAUW! , F3A ALL THE WAY YO .. haha alrite , does not know whats with the random bloggin fever again , hmm , haha maybe too bored? kinda lots of thing happen since the last post till now , but i seriously does not have any idea of what did i done in 2008 , everything seems a flash , easy come , easy go , just like peeps . MISS all my SECONDARY school fren which i selfdom contact them ler , due to the place i m studying and lack of time . but it was insane during louis's bbq , i don know why the hell i drank so much that end up being merlion .. lol , but alrite , was pretty fine after throwing up , rest on the bed that louis's mum offered . thX aunti! , haha , the food was nice , drinks was nice , everything was nice , i m nice~~! <(FACT) haha . the ipod touch i ordered is HERE! woots! , finally , cant live without ipod man , need music to brighten my life , and of cos , family and frens . I was supposed to like go his chalet again today but there 's is still stuff and things i need to attend to .. tuesday and thursday is test which is accountable , hmm wish i can score well ! so as my buddy~ . TUESDAY is the day where my helios will shines throught my F3A routes . haha (helios is my new plane ) hmm , when i started to blog , there is like so much things to say , but i don seems like i have any idea now . No matter what , GOOD LUCK EVERYBODY~


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