July 22, 2008


upset for the past week days on my diamond , freak , althought i cant forget u(diamond) , but i guess , live gonna move on , hmm finally when to rotor to get some parts on my mini.t , haha accompany me there were , berry(ala carte) and kia xiang(armstrong) .... haha , kinda great to have this two friends , hmmm , when we reach rotor , as expected , i cant take my eyes of the trex500 , maybe gonna buy for myself end of year as my own christmas present . haha , a big BOMB . In class feel kinda great when i got back my c&n result , 82/100 leh , although not perfect but is the BEST score i ever had! , haish , gonna apologise to mrs ong again , sorry mrs ong , i know i am noisy but i cannot control what , sorry man , gonna be emo in your class again! . haha crap again o ya forgot to mention , when i m leaving rotor hobby , i saw hotdogbun! , a hobbist same as i , haha he is a nice man , and did not expect him studying in the same college as me , but he is studying night class , all the best man HDB! .. haha alrite , just ran finish , kinda tired .................................signing off .


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