January 18, 2009


this guys i mention at part 1 was the nicest guy on earth ONE LOVE!

alrite SOMEthing HAPPENING happen today , when i open my canopy , i was like WAA!~ , why is there smoking fluming out , its like FUCK!! , lol , i throw the lipo away , then follow by derick helping me take to burried . pouring 100PLUS to dead the lipo , i was like so lucky , heng its not the 5s 3700mah lipo , it was 2cell 450 mah .. , apologised to steven man , although he said its ok , as long as his 3MONTH OLD car is fine , haha , sorry for the excident. hmm did 2 flight today , was not really able to adap to my helios , as it was new compare to my element . the sensitivity , the torque , everything was different .. but overall its a c.nice plane , especially with my BIG NAME ON THE WING~ opPS! , haha

After the last flight , went over nearby to have lunch before heading back to singapore , ate chicken rice with grass jelly drink. derrick insist on giving us a treat! , haha thx alot , maybe will get the new charger from u , haha , he has been a great help too . I think it is hard to blog the feeling , the experience everything , only 2 words to say , FREAKING AWESOME! ..


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