January 12, 2009

sad day

OMG today is the day for 'o' level result to be out , everybody is excited , even i m too , althought i am studying in ite but i m like super excited over it.. lol alrite , christopher u this pubo! say what fail 20++ in the end getting 16 , fancy saying urself sure die , u ass hole , haha louis don sad , i will pray hard for ur appealing , weijing UR the MAN! , kuang feng CLICK , don worry man , i know u guys done kinda badly , but don give up hope so easily , if there is a will , there is a way , haha , suddently i felt like being in ite is not that bad , i cant imagine myself getting my 'o' result and the fuck face after i seen it ..

i was scared man , fancy getting my ipod touch for 2 days , i decide to jailbreak it as i can like use 3rd party application .. haha but its beyond what i expected , IT HANG! WTH! , i was DICK away , fuck , i call HOLAS(THE SAVER!) to ask him for advise , finally he thought me how to restore ETC ETC , and it work! THX BUDDY , what a relief man .

TEST is tmr guys (pc0804A) , wish all the guys to u guys ! gonna study at 8 , and rest well for tmr man , i am kinda feeling weak this few days , i don get headache often , but now , its like so often now. shit , gotta get myself out of this mess .

all the way yo.


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