January 22, 2009


haha today i set myself a new hobby , AIRBRUSHING! , and i wish i can be as skilled as steven WONG! SUPERB! the stuff he spray is like , OMG? is that really air brushing ?? , haha , he motivated me . I wan to learn this skill LONG LONG ago , but , i do not know where to get , how to use etc , after i know him , i think i grew fat abit , due to his overwhemling food recomendation haha , but he is really a great pal to know , frenly and kind enough to teach some basic skill to me , for now , i only got the brush , saving up for a good compressor , and my journey BEGIN. haha , i think i will practise hard on foam or any stuff which i got , follow by canvas etc.. really feel damn great getting into airbrushing , simply exciting! one love! , maybe u guys who are really my blog can visit his link at http://stevenwong.freeservers.com/index_6.html ..
look at his plane , spinner cone and canopy , it is freaking AWESOME . turning something which its so dull into so HAPPENING , ALIVE! , waaa , SHIOK! .. alrite , will post my lousy skill picture when i had done some , one love guys ... haha lol i don know why , when i am happy and excited , i like to use the word one love .. hehe .. ok cya with some picture next time .


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